Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Mortgage Underwriting Procedures I'm Getting A New Mortgage What Is Automatic Underwriting?

I'm getting a new mortgage what is automatic underwriting? - mortgage underwriting procedures

The guy my mortgage bank said it would take a subscription, as in the automatic subscription .. What does this mean? If there is a significant problem?


SndChase... said...

Most banks use underwriting, inputs, such as information on employment, income, credit report, automated, hotel information, etc., a decision has immediately and indicate which items should be reviewed. The credit (must be still made by hand, someone needs to monitor their recipes to see, which is consistent) with the input of your application.

The automated underwriting decision is only as good as the inputs, so if you know that your loan terms with your bank and the program that everything in the request the information you provide equal, it should not surprise.

jhartman... said...

You mean, automated underwriting. This is a computer program that your application, finance, credit score, etc., evaluated and determines whether qualfy for the loan. It is much faster than if a man does manually. That's all it means. One of the problems onto their finances.

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