Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Shiny Pokemon Images Silver Version List Giving Away Shiny Pokemon?

Giving away shiny pokemon? - shiny pokemon images silver version list

I wonder if anyone would help me and some of my Pokemon Shiny Pokemon for everything that I said yesterday, and 1 will be recorded image was a Machopi Oh btw

my friend code is 1891 7437 9901 and the name is Curtis


sunshine... said...

If you Diamond / Pearl / Platinum ... I'll show you how not pokeradar shiny pokemon with. We have received a shiny pokemon if you follow these steps up the whole time in the process and you do not mess It's a bit boring, but I have a shiny Growlithe ShinX with this method.
- - - - - - - - --
"Article 1:
Simply select a piece of grass when it tremble four patches. The reason for this is that if you do not find not the part that could be hiding somewhere, and it could be assumed to rise.

** Article 2:
After the first patch of your choice, any subsequent revisions are shaken in the same way. Choose another, and the chain.

* Article 3:
Never choose a blade of grass that forces you off the radar.
(This offer is dictated by whether or not at least one of the lawns that moved can see.)

Rule 4:
Simply select a piece of grass that most of you, and at least four patches away.

Never choose a blade of grass on seven stages. This is the approach that you have to go the shortest course on the road. This is not a calculated distance is that you go really. (Someone here has warned us, but I can not find it. If I may say that I thank you, I transfer. In any event proved that they tried for me every time I there. If someone is not past in this way to receive, I need to know.: p)

Rule 6:
Never choose a blade of grass that occurs in the corners or edges. The lowest number of points of empty grass patch about the elections, the more chances of the chain.

Rule 7:
Avoid patches of grass if they are right beside other moving patches. See Article 5 for the same reason. ;)

Rule 8:
When in doubt, reset the radar and try again.

Rule 9:
If you have a blade of grass, which seems doubly dramatic to see, and seems to be a different color is a shiny Pokemon. ProcEED it with caution! What grass is as follows (video courtesy of Pokerealm) look

* Article 10:
Never run out of Pokemon, and you'll never miss anyone.

* Article 11:
Never use your bike.

Do not enter the grass directly behind the character. Unfortunately, this grass is mostly hidden, and if you move, you're having trouble seeing. I've never had a point to enter the plant, unless you can see all four grass move. "

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jangy said...

If I knew how to work the pokeradar, I would know him a shiny pokemon year, but still not, unfortunately, what the pokeradar or even the use of '\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ u0026lt; "

and the only shiny pokemon is now a Dustox. _.

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